Writing pro-MAGA and pro-Trump song lyrics to make existing songs better

Ashley Gomes
Apr 1, 2022

One thing I like to do is fix lots of music by getting rid of lame lyrics and replacing them with good lyrics that are pro-MAGA and have a good moral message. For example, when the Backstreet Boys “I want it that way” came on, I realized I needed to replace the lyrics. Part of the new lyrics are:

Trump is…so awesome

Please don’t, accost him

Trump’s PHAT, that I’ll say

Back Trump in some way

Tell me why,

the wall just a mistake

Tell me why,

Trump’s vaccine cured the lung ache

Tell me why,

I never want to hear you say

Jan 6 was a bad day



Ashley Gomes

Computer Engineer at AMD. Conservative. American Patriot. Jew. Latino(Brazilian heritage).